Julia  Pallanch

    Julia Pallanch

    Program coordinator
    GMF’s Indo-Pacific Program

    Based in Berlin, her portfolio concerns the management of operations of the Stockholm China Forum and the Young Strategists Forum. Prior to joining GMF, Pallanch received training as externalist at the EU delegation in Beijing and supported the European Council on Foreign Relations’ Asia program in Berlin. She has studied sinology at Ca´ Foscari University of Venice, and Modern East Asian Studies with a focus on Chinese Foreign Policy and EU-China relations at University Duisburg-Essen. She also attended two semester programs at Soochow University, and several trainings organized by Fudan University. Julia speaks fluent Italian, English, and Slovak, and is proficient in Mandarin Chinese and German.


    • - Uhr

      What do we have to Prepare for? Impact of Global Risks on Germany and Brazil

      Mariana Lisbôa|Global Head of Corporate Affairs, Suzano
      Julia Pallanch| German Marshall Fund
