Mariana  Lisbôa

    Mariana Lisbôa

    Global Director of Corporate Affairs

    Mariana Lisbôa graduated in Law with extensive experience in the environmental field, especially the forestry sector. In her role as Global Director of Corporate Affairs, she represents Suzano on the municipal, state, federal, and international level. Her management also includes the Environmental Licensing area of the Company.

    Additionally, she is also President of the Bahia Association of Forest-Based Companies (ABAF), and Director of the International Relations and Foreign Trade Department of the Federation of Industries of São Paulo (FIESP).


    • - Uhr

      What do we have to Prepare for? Impact of Global Risks on Germany and Brazil

      Mariana Lisbôa|Global Head of Corporate Affairs, Suzano
      Julia Pallanch| German Marshall Fund
