Gregor Langer

CEO and Co-Founder
Talos GmbH

Gregor is CEO and Co-Founder of TALOS, a New Space startup based in Munich developing and delivering highly innovative satellite-based Internet-of-Things solutions. This technology can be used to track wildlife, livestock, or industrial goods from space, anywhere, anytime. The generated data enables the detection of climate change on a global scale based on wildlife migration paths, significantly improves the early detection of livestock diseases using biosensors and AI or simply allows for the global, seamless, and affordable tracking of valuable shipments.

Gregor has a proven track record in sales and business development, previously working as a sales director for satellite communication at a Munich based corporation.

He holds a master's degree from the University of Rhode Island and a Diplom-Ingenieur from the Technical University of Braunschweig, both in Electrical Engineering.

Speaker Side Event NewSpace Newcomer – der Start-up Pitch


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