Sven Langbein

Lamb Space Tec GmbH

Sven Langbein is the managing director and co-founder of Lamb Space Tec, a company based in Heiligenhaus, which has set itself the goal of making space travel more sustainable and efficient. Lamb Space wants to achieve this goal on the one hand by using proven industrial production processes and on the other hand by applying new materials. Particularly in the NewSpace sector, production processes designed for large volumes and the substitution of conventional materials with high-performance plastics and smart materials can offer decisive advantages. Dr. Langbein has been fascinated by smart materials ever since he studied mechanical engineering and earned his doctorate at the Ruhr University Bochum. Sven Langbein's various professional positions at companies and research institutes have also always focused on the topic of smart materials. Today, the topic of NewSpace has the same importance for him, with both topics complementing each other perfectly. In addition to Lamb Space, Sven Langbein also manages the business of Kunststoffverarbeitung Hoffmann GmbH. Hoffmann manufactures plastic parts and innovative small drives for the automotive industry, among others.

Speaker Side Event NewSpace Newcomer – der Start-up Pitch


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