Holger Lösch

Deputy Director General

Holger Lösch studied political science, history and German studies and literature at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich.

During his studies, he began working as a journalist and editor in the television department of Bayerischer Rundfunk. From 1995, he was Head of the Television Directorate of Bayerischer Rundfunk until he took over as Head of Central Program Coordination in 1998.

In 2001, Holger Lösch moved from Bayerischer Rundfunk to the Schörghuber Corporate Group in Munich, where he worked as Head of Central Communications and Marketing until 2007. From 2006, he was also a member of the company management.

From 2007 to 2008, he was responsible for Corporate Development, Communications and Customer Relation Management at Arabella Hotel-Holding, Munich.

In 2008, he became Head of Communications and Marketing at BDI, and from 2009 he was also a member of the Executive Board.

Holger Lösch has been a member of the Executive Board since July 2011 and Deputy Managing Director of the BDI since April 2017.


  • - Uhr

    Infrastructure Development and Funding


    Markus Bangen| CEO of Duisburger Hafen AG (duisport)
    Velibor Marjanovic | Member of the Management Board of KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH
    Rui Costa | Minister and Chief of Staff of the Presidency of Brazil (tbc)
    Juliano Marcatto | Global Head of Business and International Solutions of Banco do Brasil(tbc)

    Holger Lösch | Deputy Director General of BDI
