Ingo  Kramer

    Ingo Kramer

    Latin America Initiative of German Business (LAI)

    Ingo Kramer holds a degree in engineering from the Technical University of Karlsruhe. From 2013 to 2020, he was President and has since been Honorary President of the Confederation of German Employers' Associations (BDA). Kramer was Managing Director and shareholder of the plant construction group J. Heinr. Kramer, Bremerhaven, and is still active in the company. In addition to various supervisory and advisory board mandates, he is also involved in voluntary work, including as Chairman of the Foundation of German Business (SDW).


    • - Uhr

      Global Markets and Trade Policy: What can we expect from Brazilian Presidency of G20?

      Ingo Kramer | Chairman of LAI
      Maria Laura da Rocha|Secretary General of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

      Wolfgang Niedermark | Member of the Executive Board of BDI
