Dr. Holger  Kreetz

    Dr. Holger Kreetz

    COO Asset Management

    Holger Kreetz has been COO Asset Management at Uniper since 2016. He is responsible for the life-cycle for Uniper's European power plant fleet (22 GW) and for the transformation and growth of the asset business. Amongst others, this includes the construction and operation of Germany's first floating LNG terminal in Wilhelmshaven, the development of biomethane and hydrogen business as well as the transformation of the conventional power plant portfolio into green gases.

    Holger Kreetz graduated in energy engineering (PhD) at Australian National University in Canberra. He is married and has two grown-up daughte


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      Keine Wende ohne Molekülwende – Wie gelingt beim H₂-Markthochlauf der Sprung von Wunsch zu Wirklichkeit?


      ​Veronika Grimm, Mitglied des Sachverständigenrates Wirtschaft; Professorin an der Technischen Universität Nürnberg (UTN) und Leiterin des Energy Systems und Market Design Lab
      Gunnar Stiesch, Technologievorstand, MAN Energy Solutions
      Holger Kreetz, COO Asset Management, Uniper
