Aaron Nzau
Founder & CEO
Aaron Nzau is the Founder and CEO of SayariLabs Limited. He has more than 12 years of experience in the SpaceTech industry, Geospatial and Information Systems industry and a leader in the Innovation and Entrepreneurship of ventures based in Africa. He is a retired military officer from the Kenya Defence Forces where he served as a Geospatial Analyst in the Directorate of Military Intelligence for close to 5 years. He later ventured into the corporate world and became an avid innovator and an entrepreneur in Kenya. Through his leadership at his company SayariLabs and in collaboration with the Kenya Space Agency he managed to design, build and launch Kenya’s first 3-U nanosatellite that was launched to on the 15th April 2023 space onboard SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket in the Transporter 6 mission.
Aaron holds a Bachelor’s degree in Geomatics Engineering and Geospatial Information Systems from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. He also holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Design Thinking from Emeritus and a Master’s Degree in Space Mission Design and Management from University of Rome. He is currently finishing up his MBA in Entrepreneurship and Innovation from the University of London.
Aaron is passionate about healthy living, social well-being, climate change and farming.
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Shaping the Change – New Approaches for New Times
The gap in terms of capabilities, technologies, and investments has widened between Europe on one side and the USA and China on the other. Germany and Europe need greater ambitions to safeguard and enhance their competi-tiveness and security. How can we better learn from global partners and competitors? What are critical lessons learned? What specific measures need to be taken to bring Germany and Europe back to the forefront?
Generalleutnant Michael Vetter, Abteilungsleiter, Cyber- und Informationstechnik im BMVgPanel
Bulent Altan, Founding Partner, Alpine Space Ventures
Rodrigo da Costa, Executive Director, European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA)
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Knopp, Sprecher Forschungszentrum SPACE, Universität der Bundeswehr München
Aaron Nzau, Founder & CEO, SayariLabs
Generalleutnant Michael Vetter, Abteilungsleiter, Cyber- und Informationstechnik im BMVg