Autostadt Wolfsburg

Deutsch-Brasilianische Wirtschaftstage 2024

Die Welt ist in Unordnung, und wir sehnen uns nach internationaler Stabilität und vertrauensvollen Partnern. Brasilien und Deutschland verbinden seit vielen Jahrzehnten freundschaftliche Beziehungen und gute Geschäfte: Darauf bauen wir und wollen diese während der 40. Deutsch-Brasilianischen Wirtschaftstage vom 22. bis 24. September in der Autostadt Wolfsburg intensivieren.

Vor welchen Herausforderungen stehen die Beziehungen und welche Möglichkeiten haben wir, unsere bilaterale Kooperation und damit unsere Wirtschaft zu stärken? Darüber sprechen hochrangige Entscheidungsträger aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft und geben Impulse zu einem persönlichen Austausch.

Sie wollen bei den #DBWT24 dabei sein?

Wenn Sie sich für eine Teilnahme interessieren, können Sie sich hier kostenfrei anmelden.

Erste Speaker-Highlights

 Antônio Ricardo  Alban
Antônio Ricardo Alban
National Confederation of Industry, CNI
 Sonja  Álvarez
Sonja Álvarez
Deputy Head of the Capital City Office
 Markus  Bangen
Markus Bangen
Duisburger Hafen AG
 Maria Laura  da Rocha
Maria Laura da Rocha
Secretary General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil
 Márcio  de Lima Leite
Márcio de Lima Leite
Brazilian Automotive Manufacturers Association
 Mark  Dorn
Mark Dorn
Member of the Management Board and Executive Vice President Adhesive Technologies
Henkel Group
Dr. Robert  Habeck
Robert Habeck
Vice-Chancellor & Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
 Tim  Holt
Tim Holt
Member of the Executive Board
Siemens Energy AG
 Gunnar  Kilian
Gunnar Kilian
Chairman of the Latin America Committee of German Business (LADW) &
Member of the Board of Volkswagen Group
 Ingo  Kramer
Ingo Kramer
Latin America Initiative of German Business (LAI)
Dr. Uwe  Lauber
Uwe Lauber
MAN Energy Solutions SE
 Jorge  Lima
Jorge Lima
Secretary of Economic Development
State of São Paulo
 Mariana  Lisbôa
Mariana Lisbôa
Global Director of Corporate Affairs
 Holger  Lösch
Holger Lösch
Deputy Director General
Dr. Wiebke  Lueke
Wiebke Lueke
Founder and Managing Director
 Ludmila  Nascimento
Ludmila Nascimento
Director of Energy and Decarbonization
 Wolfgang  Niedermark
Wolfgang Niedermark
Member of the Executive Board
 Julia  Pallanch
Julia Pallanch
Program coordinator
GMF’s Indo-Pacific Program
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Siegfried  Russwurm
Siegfried Russwurm
 Márcio  Santos
Márcio Santos
Brazilian section of the German-Brazilian Joint Commission for Economic Cooperation, Comista
 João Pedro  Taborda
João Pedro Taborda
Vice-President of Government Affairs - Europe and Central Asia
 Stephan  Weil
Stephan Weil
Minister President of Lower Saxony


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    Pre-Night Reception #DBWT24

    On invitation of BDI, LADW, CNI and AHK São Paulo

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    Registration & Networking

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    Opening Talk


    Siegfried Russwurm | President of the Federation of German Industries (BDI)
    Ricardo Alban | President of the Brazilian National Confederation of Industry (CNI)
    Gunnar Kilian | Chairman of the Latin America Committee of German Business (LADW) and Member of the Board of Volkswagen Group

    Sonja Álvarez
     | Journalist and Deputy Head of WirtschaftsWoche Office Berlin

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    Robert Habeck | Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
    Fernando Haddad | Minister of Finance of Brazil (tbc)
    Márcio Elias Rosa | Vice-Minister of Development, Industry, Trade and Services

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    Business and Politics in Dialogue

    Robert Habeck | Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
    Fernando Haddad | Minister of Finance of Brazil (tbc)
    Wiebke Lueke | Founder & Managing Director WEW GmbH
    Tim Holt | Member of the Executive Board of Siemens Energy AG
    Jochen Köckler | Chairman of the Managing Board of Deutsche Messe AG
    Márcio Santos | Co-Chair Joint Commission and CEO Bayer Brazil

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    What do we have to Prepare for? Impact of Global Risks on Germany and Brazil

    Mariana Lisbôa|Global Head of Corporate Affairs, Suzano
    Julia Pallanch| German Marshall Fund

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    Renewable Energy and green Hydrogen


    Uwe Lauber |CEO MAN Energy Solutions SE
    Jorge Lima| Secretary for Economic Development, State of São Paulo
    Wiebke Lueke | Founder & Managing Director WEW GmbH

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    Networking Lunch & Exchange

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    Climate and innovation – best Practices

    Ludmila NascimentoDirector of Energy and Decarbonization Vale

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    Making Supply Chains more Resilient: Is it Succeeding in Practice?

    Francisco Gomes | CEO of Embraer (tbc)
    João Pedro Taborda| Vice-President of Government Affairs - Europe and Central Asia, Embraer 

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    Decarbonizing Industries together: How manage it?

    Mark Dorn | Member of the Management Board and Executive Vice President Adhesive Technologies of Henkel Group
    Fabiano Costa | CEO of AMG Brasil (tbc)

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    Work of the Future: In search of Talent

    Christiane Benner | Chairwoman of the German Metalworkers' Union (IG Metall) (tbi)
    Ruy Carlos Pereira | Director, Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC)

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    Digitalization, AI and Start-Ups


    Dominik Asam | Member of the Executive Board and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of SAP(tbc)
    Marco Alexandre Santos | Co-CEO of GFT Technologies SE
    Rosilda Prates | CEO of Hexa Brasil (tbc)
    Leone Andrade, Director of Technology and Innovation of Senai Cimatec

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    Networking Break & Exchange

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    Infrastructure Development and Funding


    Markus Bangen| CEO of Duisburger Hafen AG (duisport)
    Velibor Marjanovic | Member of the Management Board of KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH
    Rui Costa | Minister and Chief of Staff of the Presidency of Brazil (tbc)
    Juliano Marcatto | Global Head of Business and International Solutions of Banco do Brasil(tbc)

    Holger Lösch | Deputy Director General of BDI

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    Global Markets and Trade Policy: What can we expect from Brazilian Presidency of G20?

    Ingo Kramer | Chairman of LAI
    Maria Laura da Rocha|Secretary General of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Wolfgang Niedermark | Member of the Executive Board of BDI

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    Power talk with German Companies: What’s next?

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    Invitation to the German-Brazilian Economic Meeting 2025

    Siegfried Russwurm | President of the Federation of German Industries (BDI)
    Ricardo Alban | President of the Brazilian National Confederation of Industry (CNI)
    Gunnar Kilian | Chairman of the Latin America Committee of German Business (LADW) and Member of the Board of Volkswagen Group

    Sonja Álvarez
     | Journalist and Deputy Head of WirtschaftsWoche Office Berlin

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    Reception at the invitation of the Minister-President of Lower Saxony, Mr. Stephan Weil

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    Connecting Points

    Meet partners and experts for a peer-to-peer exchange! 
    Organized in cooperation with IHK Hannover and GIZ*

    #Renewable energy/raw materials

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    Wrap-Up Joint Commission and Farewell Lunch

    Feat Volkswagen’s most often manufactured product: Currywurst

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    Discover the Autostadt

    Zeithaus museum, pavilions in the park,driving experience, plant tour & more
    Information here and booking available at the welcome desk

Unser Partner


Location 2024: Autostadt Wolfsburg

Mit EU-Mercosur-Abkommen weltweiten Handel stärken

Fragen zum Programm?

  •  Uta  Knott

    Uta Knott

    Referentin Internationale Märkte
    BDI e.V.


    Lateinamerika und Karibik

Fragen zur Veranstaltung?

  • Sandra Böttcher

    Referentin Kommunikation
    BDI e.V.
